Compiled and copyright © 2005 by Keith Basterfield
PO Box 786, North Adelaide, South Australia 5006

Updated 15 May 2005

This catalogue brings together many of the cases where traces have been placed in a UFO context -- even if a UFO was not reported in association with the event.

The format for each entry is: Catalogue number, date, location, time of event, type of trace, latitude and longitude of location (where known), text, source.  The code for the type of trace is as follows:


I would like to acknowledge the work of the large number of Australian UFO researchers, who over the years, have investigated and published details on the reports which are summarised in this catalogue.  One or more sources are cited for each report.


1927 Fernvale NSW BS (Nr Murwillumbah)

Two boys observed a large, brightly lit object pass over, turn slightly, apparently following the contours of the valley, and come to rest on a hill. Neighbours also witnessed the landing. The object glowed for some time on the ground. Eventually there was darkness. With daylight investigations by the boys and the neighbours confirmed the presence of a complete circle of "scorched grass," about 9.15m in diameter. The site was apparent as a brown area amongst the green grass.
(Personal investigation by Bill Chalker.  See his accounts in "The Terror Down Under", FATE, Sept 1988 and pp 337-338 in "UFOs in Australia and New Zealand through 1959," in The UFO Encyclopedia, Vol.2,  "The Emergence of a Phenomenon: UFOs from the beginning through 1959" by Jerome Clark (1992.)

Ca. 1950 Bostobrick NSW DR (30:16, 152:37)

A 'fairy ring' 6-7.5m across appeared on a small hill east of Bostobrick at the time of UFO sightings in the area.  The grass was dead inside the circle even though the field had been ploughed many times since.  The ring was still visible in 1974.
(Bill Chalker.)

15 Jun 1956 Goomalling WA ? (31:18, 116:49)

2 perfectly round circles were discovered in a clay paddock. They were 3.6m in diameter and close together. Everywhere else in the paddock was good grass but the circles weren't growing.

24 May 1965 Eton Ridge QLD CE2/DR (21:16, 148:59)

After 3 men noticed a strange, luminous object some 500m away, an area of disturbed ground was found next day and tops of nearby trees apparently showed signs of burning.  Details of the mark are attributed to local police:  "The impression was a perfect circle with a radius of 6 metres, it consisted of flattened grass, but not burned; the centre was untouched.  A distinct belt or ring 0.96m wide of less flattened grass encircles the circle making thus the total diameter of the impression 14.1m."
(1.  AFSR NSW No 9 Nov 66 p 12.
 2.  AFS Digest Jul-Sept 65.
 3.  FSR 11(5):11-13.
 4.   UFOs Over the Southern Hemisphere (UFOSH) 1969:111-113.)

Early 1966 Culcairn NSW "Nests" (35:40, 147:02)

A number of circular "nests" were found during a 2 month period from Feb to Mar 1966.  One was 3.65m across and about six were 1.5-1.8m in diameter.7nbsp; First reported by a Mr A Boswell.
(1.  Sun 6/4/66.
 2.  Melbourne Age 6/4/66.
 3.  UFOSH p 81.)

Late 1966 Eyre Peninsula SA ? (?)

An Adelaide resident and partner, driving in a remote area came across a group of circles on a flat stretch of earth. There were 8 in total, all identical in shape and size. Some overlapped. Said to be 6m in diameter, perfectly round. It appeared 2 had been burnt into the earth.
(UFOSH p146.)

19 Jan 1966 Euramo QLD CE2/FSA (18:00, 145:56)

George Pedley was driving a tractor on a cane farm when he saw a saucer shaped object rise out of a swamp and depart into the sky. Then he found a perfectly circular, 9.1m diameter, flattened swirled area of reeds floating on top of 1.3m of water. The reeds were swirled clockwise. A search later found 2 more "nests", a mere 8m from the original, size 3m diameter. One was swirled clockwise, the other anti-clockwise.
 2.  Sun Herald 23/1/66.
 3.  Australian Flying Saucer Review (UFOIC) No 9.
 4.  AFSR (VUFORS) No 5.
 5.  UFOSH p110-11 & 115.)

26 Jan 1966 Tully QLD "nests" (17:56, 145:56)
2 "nests" were found, 3.65m and 2.43m in diameter, swirled anti-clockwise.
(Phillips Trace cat no 224.  (AFSR (UFOIC) NO 9.)

End Jan 1966 Euramo QLD "nest" (18:00, 145:56)
A new "nest" was found adjacent to the original one of 19 Jan.  Swirled anti-clockwise.  No dimensions given.

14 Feb 1966 Bankstown NSW FSA (33:53, 151:13)

An almost symmetrical 5.9m diameter circle of reeds was found to have been swirled (not broken) in a clockwise direction in a swamp.  No access tracks or exits were noted.  When it was found a pungent chemical smell was noted in the air.  The find was not reported for 10 days.
(AFSR NSW  No 9 p22 (photo).

4 Apr 1966 Burkes Flat VIC CE2/BEC (144:20, 36:08)

Driving along a man saw a light in a paddock and his car's headlights veered to the right for no apparent reason.  A saucer shaped depression was found in a bare paddock, where the light had been seen.  It was 1m across, and 12cm deep, scooped out of sandy soil.  No human or animal tracks were visible at the spot.
(1.  Maryborough Advertiser 15/4/66.
 2.  AFSR Vic No 5 p12 Jul 66.
 3.  AUFOR (Vic) No 10 Dec 69 pp28-29.
 4.  Re-investigation by Bill Chalker.  See The Bent Headlight Beam Case Revisited by Bill Chalker,  UFORAN May-June 1984.  Also published in Flying Saucer Review, Vol. 32 No. 4, 1987.)

6 Apr 1966 Westall VIC DD/FA (37:49, 144:58)

School children and a teacher observed a dazzling, silver object flying over a school.  It was said that aircraft operating in the area approached it.  In a paddock over which the object seemed to hover, waist high-grass was found crushed in an area 8-10m across.
(1.  AFSR (Vic) Vol 5 pp 13-14 Jul 66.
 2.  FSR 12(4):31.
 3.  The Australian 10/8/78.
 4.  Re-investigation by Bill Chalker and Keith Basterfield.)

22 May 1966 Corndale NSW FA (?)

An oval shaped depression about 25cm deep and 7m by 5m was found in grass on a property. The grass was neatly flattened with no evidence of burning. No tracks led in or out. A young girl had seen an unusual object in the sky, in the direction of the site, during the night preceding the discovery. She described it as "round and red and glowing and had spikes sticking out of it.  It was smoking too."  Adult witnesses also came forward confirming something unusual was seen that night.
(1.  AFSR NSW NO 9 pp44.
 2.  Photo. The Northern Star (Lismore) May 1966.
 3.  Personal communication to Bill Chalker.)

Nov 1966 Brisbane QLD FSA (27:28, 153:01)

After hearing an unusual noise during the night a couple found a trace on an adjacent block.  The previously 1m high grass over the whole centre of the block had been flattened and splayed out in a circle like a pack of cards.
(UFORA files)

25 Apr 1966 Cairns QLD FA (16:55, 145:46)

A group of children discovered an oval shaped depression in sugar cane, size 21m by 9.1m.  The cane within the oval showed no signs of having been trampled, neither were there any trails to or from the flattened area.
(1.  FSR 15(3):4.
 2.  UFOSH p 120.)

2 May 1968 Heyfield VIC NL/WV (37:59, 146:47)

2 men were in a truck which broke down.  A string of red lights approached-which then turned into a row of red lights with a dome on top.  Later one man went back and found that the grass had wilted as though sprayed with poison.
(UFOSH  p86.)

18 Nov 1968 Hill River SA CE1/FSA (Near Clare SA)

Two children watched a 60cm long by 25cm thick football shaped light, golden in colour pass within 50m of them and appear to land in a paddock.  A spot was later found flattened in a 1.5m oval.  It was "tangled in a corkscrew fashion as if a giant top had been spinning on the spot."
(1.  Personal investigation Keith Basterfield.
 2.  Pix-People 1(4), 1972.)

Jan/Feb 1969 Tuckurimba NSW ? (?)

A Mr and Mrs H G McCaughey found a charred, 4.9m diameter circle in a grass paddock.  Originally the circle appeared to be blackened by "intense heat."
(Bill Chalker.)

14 Jan 1969 Brooklyn Park SA SL (34:56, 138:36)

A man found a 5m partial diamond shaped marking on his lawn after rain.  The marking consisted of an oily substance which later turned to a powder.  Believed to be slime mould.
(UFORSA files)

27 Jan 1969 Wasleys SA DR (34:28, 138:41)

Two days after hearing unusual footsteps walking around a concrete path on his farm and after 7.5cm of rain fell, a man found a 5.9m (inside) diameter ring with a 30cm bare band of soil on its perimeter.  Suspected fungus ring.

Feb 1969 Elizabeth Park SA SL (34:56, 138:36)

Patches of a black, oily substance were found on a lawn in the early morning.  Later it had changed to a light grey crystalised material.  Suspected slime mould.

5 Feb 1969 Parkholme SA SL (34:56, 138:36)

A deposit was noticed on a lawn which appeared like ash from a fire.  On the 9th the colour was a bluish grey and when the grass was shaken a "black dust" was dislodged profusely.  The following day the deposit had turned to a yellowish jelly.  However by the 11th it had returned to its original state.

10 Feb 1969 Parkholme SA SL (34:56, 138:36)

A nearly complete doughnut shaped circle of a substance was noted on a lawn about 6.45 a.m.  The deposit was 10-13cm wide and about 3-3.6m in diameter.
(Personal investigation Keith Basterfield.)

19 Feb 1969 Omagh Road NSW DR (?)

A 6m circular area was found inside a 6m wide cattle corridor enclosed at both ends by water troughs.  There was a 30cm wide circular band which seemed scorched, with 4 distinct squares of 45cm sides.
(Northern Star  Lismore 27/2/69.)

19 Feb 1969 Goolmangar Ck NSW "nest" (28:43, 153:14)

Children discovered a "nest".
(1.  UFOIC.
 2.  Personal communication to Bill Chalker.)

22 Feb 1969 Afterlea NSW FA (?)

A Mr B O'Neil found an impression in a swamp.  Elliptical in shape 9m by 3.6m with reeds flattened and entangled, it wasn't scorched.  From the impression, 4 flattened tracks led out with small half-moon depressions at the end.
(Northern Star  Lismore 27/2/69.)

22 Feb 1969 Grafton NSW ? (29:41, 152:56)

A "burnt" circle covered with 'ash' was found on the morning after a sighting.  Examination of samples by the Dept of Agriculture indicated the circle was suffering from leaf smut.
(Daily Examiner  Grafton 25/2/69.)

23 Feb 69 Kyogle NSW 1F Gibbs Trace IFO

Scorched grass 20 feet in diameter.  Toadstool found and submitted to CSIRO then Gov't Botanist.  Fairy ring.
(Pages 78-82 of RAAF file 580/1/1 part 11.)

23 Feb 1969 Tumbulgum NSW SL (28:17, 153:28)

A perfect 3.6m diameter circle appeared on a lawn.  It was marked by grey black soot, and footprints led away from it.  The sooty substance was also on the leaves of plants.  The footprints led to a rose bush, a pear tree and then disappeared.  Slime mould?
(1.  Northern Star  Lismore 27/2/69.
 2.  UFOSH  p121 date incorrect.)

10 Mar 1969 Christies Beach SA ? (34:56, 138:36)

During the night a housewife was awoken by a loud bang. A marking was later found which consisted of three 22cm diameter circles, spaced in an equilateral triangle, of sides 12.67m in length.

Apr 1969 Swan Creek NSW FA (?)

A series of deep depressions were found in the centre of some flattened saccaline crop on the north-west side of a road.
(Daily Examiner  Grafton 24/4/69.)

4 Apr 1969 Bungawalban NSW ? (?)

A saucer-shaped ring was found on the property of a Mr K Reed.

17 Apr 1969 Bungawalban NSW FA (?)

4 flattened areas in a saccaline crop were discovered.  The largest was 18 by 4.5m.  All the stalks of the 4.3m tall crop lay in a North to south direction.  There were no indications of footprints or tracks and the night previous had been quiet and still.

Two men working the night shift on a flood mitigation dredge, about 400m north of the site near a main road observed a glow in the sky in the direction of the saccaline patch, on the night of April 16th.  A neighbouring farmer had also observed "top-like objects" hovering (or moving about) in the area, on a number of nights prior to the discovery of the impressions.

(1.  Daily Examiner  Grafton 19,21 and 22/4/69.
 2.  Personal Communication to Bill Chalker, and from G Tesla.)

May 1969 Harwood Island NSW CE2/FA? (?)

Sugar cane rustled as a UFO arrived and departed and during the sighting the object hovered 3m above the cane.  The witness was sure that there was some flattening of the crop but did not attempt to verify this.
(Bill Chalker)

12 May 1969 Casino NSW CE2/Luminous (28:52, 153:03)

After a sighting lasting 10-15 minutes of a low level UFO in heavy rain, the witness verified a faint luminous patch was visible for over 1/2 hour after the object had left.  Next morning no traces or marks were evident.
(1.  UFOIC.
 2.  Northern Star Lismore 15/5/69.
 3.  ACOS Bulletin 10 p 20.)

23 May 69 Glenorchy Tas 0100hrs (few mins) 1M Lange CE2/IFO?

Object reported on lawn.  Lifted straight up.  It was a bright light with three windows and lights around the top.  White-reddish beneath.  An egg-shaped "burn" mark was found on the lawn and two trees reported destroyed.  Glenorchy police investigated and checked the elliptical 10ft by 6 ft mark but found an accompanying smell of petrol and considered the event a "practical joke."  RAAF: "Practical joke."
(Pages 23-25 of RAAF file 580/1/1 part 12.)

Mr G Lange noted a bright glowing 6.5m by 3m high white object with windows, hovering over the ground in his backyard.  He rushed outside but the object had gone, leaving a scorched circle 3.5m by 2.5m wide.  There was no sound and no radioactivity was found.

3 Nov 1969 Windsor SA CE2/? (34:25, 138:20)

3 children reported seeing a 2m long "egg" with a tail and 4 legs flying around in circles which apparently landed on a back road.  A diamond shaped trace was found.  There were 3 circular holes, 2.5cm apart in the centre.  At one end of the diamond was a small diamond-shaped area not dug out (the rest of the trace was 2.5cm deep).  There was a line 7.5cm long which curved away from this end of the diamond.  There were 3 of these shapes, one smaller than the others.
(AFSRS Mag  Dec 1969.)

7 Dec 1969 Windsor SA DD/FA (34:25, 138:20)

After a reported observation of an unusual object, an area of grass was found flattened in a 10m circle.  The object was said to be hovering 1m off the ground and some 50m away.
(AFSRS Mag Dec 1969.)

Jun 1970 Emerald beach NSW ? (30:10, 153:11)

At about 0045, one night during June, a truck driver, travelling from Coffs Harbour to Grafton, saw a bright light on the ocean side of the highway in the area of Emerald Beach.  He observed the apparent source of the light as a circular object which rose from behind timber, some 450m from the road.  It rose for a few seconds, then hovered for about half a minute at an estimated altitude of 18m.  Relative to the trees the UFO appeared to be about 9m in diameter, and what appeared to be flames were noticed along the bottom of the object.  The object then slowly returned to the ground.  The object was partly obscured by timber "while on (the) ground but still had light rays going up at an angle from top and sides."  The object was still on the ground when fear of the unknown forced the truck driver to leave the area.  The driver was able to provide 3 clear and widely spaced angles of view enabling triangulation to locate the site.

6 circles of stunted grass and fern growth with 2 of about 9.1m diameter were found.  Analysis showed that there were little physical differences in the sandy loam, and u/v spectroscopy revealed no difference in chemical composition of the grass.  The others were 6.4m, 2 at 4.6m, and 1 at 4.1m.  The area also had a number of burnt and dead trees.
(Bill Chalker. ACOSB  No 9 p21.)

23 Jun 1969 St Michaels Golf Club La Perouse NSW Trace

Unusual ground marks discovered 0800hrs.  Not there night before.  When discovered grass of course had heavy dew but no evidence of footprints or tyre tracks.  Assistant green keeper noted an "oily residue" which had gone by the time RAAF investigators visited on 25 Jun 69.  RAAF: "Could have been the work of a clever hoaxer, but it would have been a very difficult job."
(Pages 42-44 of RAAF file 580/1/1 part 12.)

3 Nov 1970 Boggabri NSW Depression (30:42, 150:03)

A depression some 2m across was indented to a depth of 15cm with a central indentation about 40cm across.  The sides were as smooth as glass.  There were seven smaller holes around the edge of the main indentation.  A fine powdery substance at the base of the main hole and around the hole was indicated to be possibly a "dehydrated soil encrustment."
(Dr Michael Duggin, CSIRO.  Personal files Bill Chalker.)

20 Feb 1971 South Plympton SA ? (34:56, 138:36)

A noise was heard during the night and the next morning , two 20cm by 12.5cm rectangular markings, 2.5m apart were found.

Mar/Apr 1971 Atkinsons Dam QLD CE2/FA (?)

A parachute magnesium "flare" was seen coming down.  3 flattened areas were later found.  A large number of tree branches were broken and twisted.  RAAF helicopters and jets were alleged to have been in the area the next day.

20 Apr 1971 Christmas Ck NSW ? (30:59, 152:49)

After a sighting in the area, burned patches of grass were discovered in a paddock on the farm of Mr Yamold.
(1.  FSR Case Histories 8 Dec 71 p2.
 2.  Macleay Argus 20/4/71.)

22 May 1971 Norwood TAS CE2/FA (?)

A motorist reported seeing a 3m object with lights on, touching down near the roadside 50m away.  A flattened area of broken and twisted undergrowth was reportedly found, twisted to the right over a 3m area.
 2.  The Examiner Launceston 5/6/71.
 3.  FSR Case Histories 7, p13.)

25 May 1971 Lynchford TAS Noise/FSA (?)

Reporter awoken by a loud humming noise.  Dogs went berserk.  After 30 minutes the noise stopped.  2 days later flattened area found, plus several other smaller areas found by the house.  The large area measured 4.5 by 9.1m, smaller about 3m across.  Grass was swished and flattened.  Grass samples tested negative to cause.
 2.  FSR Case Histories  7, p13.)

June 71 Walpole NSW DR (?)

A 3m diameter burnt ring was found with a 1m wide band.
(CUFOS trace catalogue citing Keane Evening Sentinel  7/7/71.)

Early June 1971 Tellebang, near Monto QLD BS (24:52, 151:07)

On the property of Lindsay Hartwig, a 6m wide ring was found in open grass just on the edge of heavily timbered scrub.  The ring was in the form of an 45cm wide ring of apparent "burnt" grass.  The grass inside the "perfect circle" was quite green.  On June 11th 1971, the body of Hartwig's 19 year old son was found about 150m away from the circle.  It was reported there was a strange mark on his face.  An autopsy was unable to reveal a cause of death.  The ring was of possible fungal origin.
(Bill Chalker personal investigation.)

2 Aug 1971 Queenstown TAS DR? (42:05, 145:33)

A burned circle of ground was found.  A complete 10m diameter circle.
(CUFOS trace catalogue citing The Advocate  Burnie 16/8/71.)

Dec 1971 Tooligie Hill SA NL/FSA (33:48, 135:51)

A 1.1 m diameter circle, ringed by a 45cm wide trench pressed deep into hard clay soil was found.  The trench in turn was ringed by a 60cm wide band of flattened wheat, swirled in an anti-clockwise direction.  The night before, a local family had observed a red ball of light descending towards that paddock.
(UFORSA. Australian UFO Report  Feb 72.)

27 Dec 1971 Flinders Park SA Noise/SL (34:56, 138:36)

A 1.67m diameter, 15cm wide circle was found on a lawn following a noise like a street sweeper being heard.  The marking was composed of a "graphite like" deposit.  There was a central mark and 4 further marks around it, within the circle.  Marks like footprints were found around it on the lawn and on a concrete path.  The deposit stayed there on the lawn until mowed off.  Mundane cause.

Dec 71/Jan 72 Tyringham NSW ? (30:13, 152:32)

A 6.4m diameter burnt circle was found on a stud horse farm.  The owner said it was caused by a lightning strike, which killed 3 cows.  He declined to allow investigation.
(Bill Chalker.)

1972 Camden NSW SL (34:03, 150:42)

Late in 1972, a 3 year old child saw a lighted "boat" above her house at about 3 a.m.  Next morning her father noticed a dark patch of grass on the lawn in front of their house-about 1.8-2.4m in diameter.  The child described her observation as "a big boat had been on the roof.  It had a big light and went fast."  Dr Stevens pointed out that the "grey powder" found at the site was not a slime mould and has never been identified as a natural phenomenon.
(1.  Dr Geoff Stevens case report:  "Camden "grey powder" case" dated 19/3/75.
 2.  UFOIC NL No. 43, Apr/May 75.)

1972 Katoomba NSW ? (33:43, 150:19)

At about 8 p.m. a Mrs Eddellbuttel observed an orange light moving above nearby trees, on their property -- the Eddellbuttel piggery -- situated on the Great Western Highway, just West of the famous Explorers Tree landmark and near cliffs overlooking the Megalong Valley in the Blue Mountains.

The light appeared to descend among the trees behind some pig sheds.  Mrs Eddellbuttel drew the attention of other family members to the light.  Her brother got closer and saw that the light emanated from a saucer-shaped object of considerable size.  Passing motorists also apparently saw the light.  By the time Police arrived the UFO had departed.  Other witnesses came forward.  One of these was a farmer in the Megalong Valley directly below the cliffs beyond which the piggery stands. The farmer described how he saw a large, dark object descend slowly into the valley to land in a deserted field some distance from the house.  It remained on the ground for some 10 minutes.  The object was described as being about 9m across and apparently silent.  After 10 minutes it rose in silence, gained speed and disappeared into the darkness.  At the landing site, no grass would grow in a circular depression.  An "explanation" put forward was that a malfunctioning helicopter had landed for repairs.
(1.  Rex Gilroy.
 2.  Bill Chalker interviewed the Eddelbuttels years later.  While confirming their experience they were unaware of the UFO landing trace in the valley below their property.)

4 Feb 1972 Tooraweenah NSW DR (31;26, 148:55)

A doughnut circle of brown grass 1m wide and 3m across was verified by a person after a UFO observation.  At almost 90 degrees to the direction of "take off" was another circle 1m wide which cut into the first circle forming a figure eight.

Jul 1972 Clare SA DR (33:50, 138:37)

3 rings were found on a farm.  They were 25-30cm wide bands of dead grass forming 1.2-1.5m diameter circles.  The circles subsequently developed lush growth and they seemed to have been fungus caused.

5 Jul 1972 Mt Arrowsmith TAS CE2/FA (?)

A motorist reported a bright , white, cigar object at road level.  It went down and appeared to land alongside the road and went out.  The next day the witness returned and found a distinct pathway was visible in the undergrowth which was all flattened.

Sep 72 Navarre VIC DR (36:54, 143:07)

2 large circles were found, marked by rings of bare earth, about 60cm wide.  They were found on the property of Geoff Bibby.  They were 14.6 and 23.7m in diameter.  The grass, both inside and outside the bands was growing normally.  The soil had a pure white substance in it. Fungus.
(Australasian Post  10/5/73 & 5/7/73.)

15 Sep 72 Burbong NSW DR (35:26, 149:19)

A lady heard a noise like a spinning wheel and found an area 6m in diameter with a scorched rim a metre wide.
(CUFOS trace cat.)

5 Oct 72 Wellington NSW FA (32:33, 148:57)

3.65m high grass was flattened in a circular area with a radius of 4.6m.
(Daily Telegraph 7/10/72)

7 Oct 72 Seaview Downs SA SL (34:56, 138:36)

3 rings of lush growth appeared on a lawn overnight.  The largest was about 2m in diameter.  Examination revealed hundreds of little black spots on the grass.  Slime mould.

1973 Port Pirie SA DR (33:12, 138:00)

Several doughnut shaped rings of varying sizes were found on the banks of a river.  They were bare earth/dead grass circles of about an over all 2m diameter, with a 1.3m diameter centre.  Diagnosed as fungus.

1973 Armidale NSW Spurious

Listed in some accounts/books/magazines.  This newspaper had poorly reported Bill Chalker's account of the Emerald Beach case (038) of 1970.
(Armidale Express  4/8/74.)

Feb 1973 Temora NSW DR (34:27, 147:32)

Three identical "burnt off" patches, each 5.1m diameter were discovered in otherwise lush paddocks.  The first was observed about 12 months previously and the latest about early February.  The latest one found had a 45cm section running around the circle which was completely bare, and inside, the clover runners had been flattened.
(The  Temora Independent 28/3/73.)

Feb 1973 Adelaide SA SL (34:56, 138:36)

Two markings on separate lawns were reported and identified as fungus/slime mould.

6 Feb 1973 Barraba NSW DR (30:23, 150:36)

A Mr and Mrs Carter discovered a 7.6m wide circle with a 45cm band, in high green grass.  No indentations or scorch marks were found.

Mar 1973 Roma QLD ? (26:35, 148:47)

Circular marks appeared in a field of sugar drip.  All the heads of grain were facing the same way.  These marks coincided with UFO reports.
(The Roma Star 20/3/73.)

10 Mar 1973 Bingara NSW DR (29:52, 150:34)

A grazier found a 7.6m circle with a 5 cm band, on his property.

Apr 1973 Eudunda SA DR (34;11, 139:05)

Several rings, varying from 0.6-5.4m in diameter with a 10cm wide band of dead grass, were found in an area 16 by 32m.

May 1973 Ganmain NSW ? (34:48, 147:02)

Certain marks were found on the ground after a UFO sighting.  The object was circular and displayed yellow/orange lights.
(Junee Southern Cross 6/6/73.)

May 1973 Port Pirie SA DR (33:12, 138:00)

Eight rings-fungal in origin-were located by the River Broughton.

May 1973 Clare SA DR (33:50, 138:37)

A fungus ring, 6.3m in diameter, and almost circular, was discovered.  The rim width was 1m.  Scattered around were 4 large mushrooms-12-20cm in size.
(Peter Horne.)

May 1973 Nurrabiel Vic DR (36:43, 142:12)

Mr Jack Russell found a perfect circle in bare ground on his property "Melrose."  Circumference was 27.4m with a band 50cm across.  The earth inside the band was devoid of grass.  Fungus ring.
(Horsham Mail Times 8/6/73.)

31 May 1973 Bellbridge Vic DR (?)

A 30cm wide, 6.7m diameter ring was found in dry earth with a white powdery substance.  A Border mail photographer found a 10m ring later, both suggestive of fungus.
(Border Mail  Albury 2/6/73.)

3 June 1973 Old Junee NSW ? (34:50, 147:31)

A circular indentation was found, about 5m across.  Close by were half a dozen "pod" marks of about 1m diameter spaced at a regular distance apart.
(Junee Southern Cross 6/6/73.)

16 June 1973 Bostobrick NSW ? (152:37, 30:16)

A circular area was found in the same vicinity as a UFO sighting.  Several groups of people independently saw a vertical elongated object with several "squarish" red lights around its base.  Later that night one of the groups saw a yellow oval object "drop" out of the sky, apparently coming down in about the same area as the earlier display.  The southern portion had large amounts of white surface powder.  The NNE perimeter had a charred circular area some 1m diameter.  A burnt limb was in close proximity to the ill-defined mark.
(Bill Chalker.)

18 June 1973 Warragamba NSW FA (33:53, 150:36)

A freshly flattened grass circle was dismissed as car skid marks.
(UFOIC NL  35.)

21 Jun 1973 Tyringham NSW UFO/? (30:13, 152:32)

A UFO was observed hovering at ground level for a few minutes.  An inspection of the area within 24 hours confirmed an apparent ground trace, greyish in colour and of thinner grass than outside the site.  It seemed that the site was sufficiently ambiguous that analyses were thought not warranted.
(Bill Chalker.)

Sep 1973 Willow Tree NSW BEC (31:39, 150:44)

Rings of bare rocky soil were located on a farm property.  Diameters ranged from 6m to 11m. Identified as fungus.

Dec 1973 Wokurna SA FSA (33:43, 138:03)

A 2.4m diameter bare earth circle was found in the middle of a wheat field.  Wheat had been swirled anti-clockwise.  Soil analysis revealed no cause.

Dec 1973 Bordertown SA FSA (36:18, 140:46)

Seven circular shaped, flattened swirled areas were found in an oat paddock.  They ranged from 2.1-4.6m across and were of different ages.  Oats had been swirled anti-clockwise.  The police forensic squad were unable to explain the marks.

25 Dec 1973 Wentworth Falls NSW ? (33:43, 150:22)

A low level UFO sighting was made and a ground trace was reported.  "Leaf smut" was believed to be the cause for a circular area of grass covered with spherical charcoal like particles.

Dec 1973 South Arm TAS Noise/FA (43:02, 147:24)

The witnesses were awoken by a roaring noise which eventually stopped.  Next day, flattened circle of bracken was found on the next block, 3 by 3.6m across and nearby, 2-3 smaller similar patches.  Ferns were folded over as if flattened by weight, vegetation soon died off, edge of area well defined.

17 Jan 1974 Parramatta NSW ? (33:53, 151:13)

A swishing sound was heard and a dog visibly scared. next morning a black and silver substance was found in the backyard.  Possibly fungus.

1 Apr 1974 Pasadena SA ? (34:56, 138:36)

A ring was reported, inspected and identified as a fungus.

May 1974 Strathalbyn SA LITS/? (35:16, 138:54)

Two green lights were seen in a paddock and later a marking was found.  It was a bare patch 2.65m diameter with a depression in the centre 20-22cm deep and 60cm diameter.

7 June 1974 Goulburn NSW UFO/? (34:45, 149:43)

After a complex and long duration sighting, an area 200m in diameter, all burnt, was verified by the witness immediately after a sighting.  The surrounding ground was "wringing wet" and the grass long and lush, but the ring was smoking.  The area was on a hill slope, separated from the main road.
(UFOIC, CE3 catalogue by Bill Chalker, and Keith Basterfield, 1976.)

July 1974 Cowra NSW ? (33:50, 148:41)

A young man, driving at about midnight, was blinded by a blazing blue light, as he came over the crest of a hill.  The light seemed to illuminate the entire countryside.  The driver braked suddenly, fearing a collision.  The next thing he remembered was seeing the light move away from his car to a point 100m away in an adjacent field, where it converged into a beam about 15m across and 30m high.  The beam shone down onto the ground whereupon apparent contact the grass seemed to be burning.  The display stayed there for about 2 minutes and then it disappeared.

No trace of the phenomenon could be found.  Next day the driver returned and confirmed the presence of an almost perfect circle of burnt grass about 15m in diameter.  (The witness described his experience in an open line radio program.  Direct confirmation was not possible in this provocative case.)
(Files of Bill Chalker.)

Late Jul 1974 Jandowae QLD ? (26:47, 151:06)

Strange markings were found on a property.  There were eight holes scattered around in a 2m diameter depression.  These holes were circular with a smooth hard packed surface and bent at 60 degrees away from the middle of the depression. Digging out revealed some holes went down 1.3m.
(UFORQLD Contact 52 Jul/Aug 74.)

Oct 1974 Maitland NSW NL/? (32:44, 151:34)

Some time after the observation of an object with two "light beams" which illuminated the ground, the reporter found two circular markings on his property below the hovering object. On examination the marks appeared to be fungus.
(UFOIC NL 43, Apr/May 75.)

Dec 1974 Pullabooka NSW BEC (33:45, 147:46)

A 5.8m bare earth circle was found in a paddock of saffron thistles, which had been flattened in an anti-clockwise direction.  Soil analysis revealed no cause.  There were no signs of heat or radiation. Later discussion suggested it was caused by cattle.
(1.  Sun Herald 14/12/74.
 2.  UFOIC.)

Jan/Feb 1975 Tully QLD Nests (17:56, 145:56)

Several nests were discovered near the site of the famous 1966 nests.  A cane field area had apparently surface damage from a suspected "bouncing run" of an unobserved UFO.  There were at least 2 other better nests discovered in another lagoon, one of which was about 9.1m in diameter.
(Clair Noble.  UFOIC.)

Summer 1975 Lees Plains TAS ?

Bushwalkers reported finding perfectly burnt circle in buttongrass, with the ground all burnt, yet only 3.6m across.

3 Jan 1975 Fingal TAS NL/FA (41:38, 147:58)

7 schoolboys saw 2 big lights come out of the sky and hover over a hillside.  A humming noise could be heard and the lights kept flashing.  Investigator T Dean found an area 7.6m by 4.5m of twisted and broken wattles.  Trees were lying over and damaged about 1.2m above the ground.

Feb 1975 Micka Creek TAS ? (?)

Shooters tell of a strip of gum trees as it an object had made a "landing run" some 45 to 90m long, through the bush. Trees were all knocked over in the same direction.

6 May 1975 Doughboy NSW DR (?)

An almost perfect circle of dead grass was found with an inside diameter of 3.3m and an outside diameter of 4.6m. The circle soon deteriorated leaving bare earth. A log extended across part of the circle but appeared not to be affected, although a cowpad was completely flattened.
(The Daily Examiner  Grafton 14/5, 24/5, 6/6 & 10/6/75.)

Sep 1975 Narrogin WA FA (32:56, 117:11)

A depression was found in an oat paddock. Oats outside this area were 1.4m tall, but inside, only 17cm tall, depressed in a SSE direction. No holes or actual indentations were found. The whole area was an approximate rectangle about 14.6 by 7.6m, with two 2.4m radius arcs on two corners, not flattened.
(UFORWA.  ACOSB No. 3 p10 Sep 75.)

8 Dec 1975 Tranmere SA FSA (34:56, 138:00)

After hearing a noise during the night a woman and her daughter found two areas of strawberry plants, flattened in an anti-clockwise direction, some 0.9m in diameter.

1975/76 Tunnel TAS ? (?)

A 6m dried circle is reported to have been found in the location of sighting of nocturnal lights. It was not reported until 1979. Analysis of the trace revealed nothing abnormal.

6 Jan 1976 Adamstown NSW NL/Trace/Hoax

Reports were received of a white, bright cigar being observed hovering. Later an area of white powder and indentations were found. The powder was identified as flour.

Late Feb 1976 Kettering TAS CE2/WV (42:50, 147:15)

A dome shaped object was seen near the ground, with an associated humming noise. The object rose and left into the sky. In the morning the witness found that the grass appeared to be scorched in a circle. The grass later died. Tests were undertaken of soil and mineral particles from the affected area. Results indicated no large amounts of associated ionising radiation, and that the soil had not been heated above 170 degrees centigrade.
 2.  FSR 24(3).)

12 Apr 1976 Penrith NSW CE2/FA (33;45, 150:42)

A woman in bed heard a whistling noise and then saw a large black sphere, some 10m across. It approached and stopped by a fence. Witnesses thought it might collide with the house. It was intermittently observed moving up at speed, and apparently leaving in a zigzag motion at high speed. An area of long grass, 30m by 13.5m in a nearby paddock was swept in an outward direction, plus four plate sized marks were also noted.
(UFOI and Bill Chalker personal investigation.)

24 May 1976 Robertson NSW ? (34;35, 150:35)

During the investigation of a UFO case, a trace was found. Close examination revealed that one species of grass was affected. The "scorched" appearance of the grass was similar to slime mould. This case was spuriously reported as having involved a UFO "crash." No credible evidence was apparent that supported these speculations. Prosaic explanations were found for the key elements of the affair.
(UFOIC NL 47 Apr/May 76.)

25 Sep 1976 Karawinna VIC WV (34:23, 141:42)

Three days after the sighting of a group of red lights at low level, a 21.6m circle of dry coloured grass was found in a paddock. Samples were analysed by ACUFOS but nothing unusual was found.

Sep 1976 Cairns QLD DR (26:13, 145:34)

Two circular areas of damaged salt grass were located. One was 6-7m in diameter with a 1m wide outer ring. The grass was generally browning, grey or dead looking.

5 Oct 1976 Torrita VIC FSA (35:09, 141:56)

A farmer reported finding 2 circles some 7m apart, each 5.5m in diameter. Grass had been Swirled and appeared to be burnt.
(Delgado, P. & Andrews, C.  Circular Evidence.)

Feb 1977 Mt Garnet QLD DR (17:41, 145:07)

Following the sighting of what appeared to be a silver grey "shed" in a paddock marks were found. There was one large circle surrounded by 4 smaller oval shaped formations in grass. The main circle was 6.7-6.8m in diameter with an 80cm band of dead grass, and a centre of healthy vegetation. The 4 ovals joined the circle at 3,6,9,12 o'clock and were 2-3m in size.

Mar 1977 Port Neill SA BEC (34:07, 136:21)

A 4.3m diameter doughnut ring was discovered on a farm property. Its centre was undisturbed and it had a circular hollow trough with a hard rim. Soil tests showed no cause.
(Adelaide  Advertiser 12/3/77.)

26 May 1977 Orange NSW ? (33:17, 149:06)

An orange sphere with windows, possibly resting on the ground, was seen by a boy and his mother. Physical traces were found which consisted of four small, cleared patches arranged in a trapezoid. The grasses and thistles within the area were not affected in any obvious way. Upon analysis it was found that any ionizing radiation would have resulted in the ground receiving less than 100 rads and that any heating involved in forming the cleared patches would have had to have been below 205 degrees C.
(UFOIC and personal investigation by Bill Chalker with Anne Brown (now Chalker) and Dr Geoff Stevens.  See  UFO Newsletter No 52 (UFOR(NSW)-now UFOIC), Nov 1977.)

June 1977 Oberon NSW ? (33:42, 149:51)

Three men illegally fishing in a boat, one night, were 3.2Km up river from the Oberon Dam near a peninsula called Crows Peak. A dark shape was initially seen on the shore. 5 minutes later, something started to come around the bend of the river. It turned out to be an indefinable shape some 3.6-4.6m wide, with a blue glow, 3-4.6m above the water surface. The phenomenon was silent. It crossed onto the peninsula and went out of sight. Next day all the grass and low hanging branches across the peninsular area where the phenomenon had passed appeared to have been "burnt" or browned off. Even weed under the water to a depth of 15-20cm was also browned off.
(See  UFO Newsletter No 52 (UFOR(NSW)-now UFOIC, Nov 1977.)

Aug 1977 Sorell TAS FA (42:47, 147:34)

A depressed ring of grass appeared overnight on a sports oval. It was 4.2m in diameter and tests revealed no cause.

Aug 1977 Leitchville VIC DR (35:54, 144:18)

A 13m wide circle was discovered in grass on the property of Lloyd Naylor. It was a doughnut shape, with a 1m wide band of Dried off grass. The centre 11m was dead grass. Likely fungus.
(Personal communication to Keith Basterfield from Naylor.)

30 Sep 1977 Leitchville VIC (35:54, 144:18)

Douglas Fehring found a perfect circle of affected grass in a paddock.
(UFOIC NL 54/55 p 13.)

Ca 21 Oct 1977 Cohuna VIC DR (35:49, 144:13)

Four doughnut shaped circles were located in a paddock which was irrigated all summer. They were circular, 3-3.6m in diameter, including a 45cm wide band of dry, withered grass. Two were in irrigated grass and 2 in dry grass. The 2 in irrigation had green grass centres. They eventually disappeared over months. Likely fungus rings.
(Personal communication to Keith Basterfield from farmer.)

4 Dec 1977 Lietchville VIC DR (35:54, 144:18)

Ken Church discovered a large circular area consisting of a 38cm wide band around an 8m (total) diameter circle of chopped clover. There were patches in the ring that were burnt and looked like they were made by jet engines. Bill Chalker visited the site well after the ring had disappeared. It may have been a fungal ring.
(UFOIC NL 54/55 p 14.)

Early Dec 1977 Bamawm Central VIC ? (?)

John Collins and his brother found a perfect ring 2.4m in diameter, 400m from their farm house. He said that recently a bright light on his property was seen floating about 15m off the ground.
(UFOIC NL 54/55 p15.)

26 Dec 1977 Slaty Creek Road VIC DR (37:26, 143:54)

A discontinuous circular grass marking was found in the centre of a small paddock on the property of Mr Porter. It was doughnut shaped with a 56cm wide band and a total diameter of 4.56m diameter. As at April 1978 the rest of the paddock was green but there had been no re-growth in the circle.

Graham and Fay Fenton discovered some strange circular marks. They were doughnut shaped, 2.74m across including a 30cm wide band. Located on an isolated track. Fungus suspected.
(VUFORS Bulletin  May 78 p 1.)

19 Feb 1978 Newstead VIC DR (37:07, 144:03)

4 roughly circular doughnut shaped marks were found in a grass paddock. 2 in one paddock and 2 in another. 2 were 3m in diameter, 1 was 5.5m and the other 6m across. The ground was not burnt. Likely fungus.
(Castlemane Mail 22/2/78 and 15/4/78.
 Personal communication to KB.)

Feb 1978 Klemzig SA SL (34:56, 138:36)

A lady reported finding a deposit on her lawn. Samples were taken and it was identified as slime mould.
(K. Basterfield.)

7 Mar 1978 Echuca VIC ? (36:08, 144:45)

In Echuca Village, about 8Km from Echuca, Mr and Mrs Gilham, both 65, were woken up, at about 3.30 a.m. by their dogs barking and disturbances among the sheep. The sheep had gathered around the house. Mrs Gilham got up and walked past the wash house, to find it all alight.

She described in press reports what she saw next: "Then I saw this huge big light in the paddock. It was a burning, blazing, white light. It did not have a centre but it was like a great big cobweb. We watched it for about 20 minutes. It was hovering just a bit above the ground. It made my eyes ache...It was rather a nightmarish thing...a blazing, hovering, cobweb of white light. It wobbled, sort of shook."

A 4cm depression was left in the driveway where the light appeared. The dirt and gravel in the driveway were blown about. After the story broke the next morning, scores of cars converged on the site, making sampling futile. The phenomenon was also described as a "pillar" of light in the driveway. Mrs Gilham suffered a severe headache for several days after the encounter.
(1.  The Northern Star 9/3/78;
 2.  Sun-News Pictorial  Melbourne 9/3/78.
 3.  Australian UFO Bulletin May 197.)

Apr 1978 Adelaide SA SL (34:56, 138:36)

A perfect circle 6m in diameter, with a narrow band, was located on a grass lawn. It appeared to be slime mould.
(Adelaide Sunday Mail 23/4/78.)

1980 Centennial Park SYDNEY NSW 0100hrs

Mrs M was watching television about midnight when a voice in her head told her to go to the Park, where she would see a UFO. At the Park she waited an hour then saw five lights in the sky. One of the lights came closer and appeared to be some sort of craft which hovered 6m above the ground. A woman's voice came from the craft and told her to sit under a nearby tree, which she did. She then saw a human male figure, dressed in a white T shirt and shorts, standing looking at her. She was holding a flower, and the woman's voice told her to give the flower to the stranger. At this point she blanked out and does not remember anything else. Several days later she went back to the Park and saw a circle burnt into the grass, which was visible for about three years.
(UFORNSW  NA920039.)

11 Feb 1980 Malanda QLD FA (17:21, 145:36)

An area 60m long and varying between 5-9m of seed crop was found flattened. The crop was 1.3m tall and healthy, but lay at angles between 20-30 degrees, direction SSE to NNW. It was considered to be most probably unusual weather conditions which caused it.

Feb 1980 Cairns QLD FA (16:55, 145:46)

A flattened area of sugar cane was found. The standing cane was 3m high but the flattened cane lay in a spiral effect covering an area of about 150m in diameter. Only 20m away was another circle, 50m in diameter.
(Cairns Post 28/2/80.)

19 June 1980 Ogilvie WA ? (?)

4 circular marks on the edge of a paddock were located. The marks were 1.3m in diameter, 10cm deep and evenly spaced 8.7m apart. They were in a soft barley paddock.
(Perth   Daily News  20/6/80.)

30 Sep 1980 Rosedale VIC CE2/DR (38:09, 146:47)

Following a very close encounter involving a dome-shaped object, some 5m tall and 8m in diameter, the witness immediately saw an unusual marking on the ground below the position the object had been. It was a doughnut ring of "black" flattened grass, with a total diameter of some 10m.

Next morning he went back for a closer look. Elsewhere the paddock was covered with yellow flowers, but a doughnut circle was clearly evident. Black or brown in colour, it consisted of grass flattened in an anti-clockwise direction with a width of 0.5m. Green grass grew within the ring. Evenly spaced within the ring appeared what looked like 6 "spokes" of almost undamaged grass. The ring was still visible 1 year later.
(Keith Basterfield, Bill Chalker and Gary Little.)

14 Apr 1981 Tinamba VIC DR (37:58, 146:54)

Kim Gallaty and girlfriend saw a flashing light in the sky. He drove slowly by thinking it was an accident but then accelerated away. He saw a large orange glow and an impression of something metallic underneath it. Some 2 weeks later three perfect 10cm wide circles of about 5.18m diameter forming a triangle were found on level ground 200m from the homestead. A white chalky substance was reportedly found in the soil of the circles. Probably fungus.
(1.  Pix-People 22/7/81;
 2.  Bill Chalker personal interview 17/7/81.  Bill examined some white material on (not in) the soil and thought it was superphosphate.)

20 Feb 1987 Tully QLD FSA (17:56, 145:560

5 circular areas appeared on the same property as the 1966 event. Again they were in a lagoon area, where the vegetation was a fast growing grass. The vegetation within the traces was flattened, matted and swirled clockwise. Size of the marks- arranged in an arc was 1 at 3m, 3 at 4.6m and 1 at 4.7m.

Jul 1987 Mareeba QLD DR (?)

A 4m diameter circle of flattened guinea grass 2m tall, was found.

25 Jul 1988 Jamestown SA Depression/footprints (33;12, 138:36)

Bronte Lloyd, a farmer, and his son in law sighted a red light. Later that same evening, bronte, now alone, saw an object sitting near the ground and he approached it to within 6m. It was metallic, 3.6m wide, and 2.1m high, with a circular upper body tapering to a square base. It rested on a couple of support legs. Two prominent ribs ran around the outside of it. There appeared to be portholes at regular intervals and 3 "headlights."

Lloyd retreated inside, and a possible CE3 event followed. The police were called to investigate. A square shaped depression, apparently formed through weight, was found. There were also "footprints" found in wet grass. Biochemist Tom Coote took some "blind" samples from Lloyd, and some electrolyte level (salt levels) anomalies were found.

(Tom Coote interview Feb 1991.  Lloyd also appeared on the "Couchman" TV show Sep 1991.)

Mar 1989 Flinders ranges SA DR (?)

A 7m diameter, doughnut shaped ring was located behind a hill where a woman reported a bright light descended. Investigations revealed the light to be Venus and the marking, complete with mushrooms, appears to have been a fungus ring.

9 Oct 1989 Endeavour Hills Vic DR ((27:49, 144:58)

Two woman in a car observed an orange red UFO off the road, initially at a distance of some 800m, situated apparently on the ground and in trees. They lost sight of it, and as they passed under some high power transmission lines they saw it again, starting to climb in altitude, up and over the power lines. It then apparently crossed the road and flew away at high speed to the north-east. On 13th Oct John Auchettl looked for traces, searching a 3 square Km area. On 17th Oct a single 3.6m ring was found at the bottom of the hill by the road. The surrounding ring was about 8-10cm wide. 4 holes were present within the ring along with other effects. Testing suggested that the yellowed grass in the ring was caused by "intense or massive doses of UV radiation."
("The Churchill Park UFO Encounter-Ground Ring Summary" John Auchettl, Australian UFO Bulletin (VUFORS) Mar 1990.)

Dec 1989 Speed VIC FSA (35:24, 142:26)

The farm of Max and Nancee Jolly was the location for the discovery of 12 swirled, flattened wheat circles. 2 circles were 3.6m across, 1 was 2.74, 1 was 2.59m, 1 was 1.98m, 5 were 1.83m, 1 was 1.37m and 1 was 1.22m. The wheat had been flattened and swirled anti-clockwise. Stalks were undamaged with grain matured on the heads.
(1.  "The Turriff Ground Ring Summary" John Auchettl, the Australian UFO Bulletin June 1990. VUFORS.
 2.  "Multiple Ground & Air rings phenomenon discovered." John Auchettl, Australian UFO Bulletin Sep 1980.
 3.  Bill Chalker.)

28 Oct 1990 Jamestown SA FSA HOAX (33:12, 138:36)

Property owners confirm they found a 10m diameter circle surrounded by a ring, making it 16m across in a wheat paddock. The wheat was green and in undulating countryside. It had ill defined edges and was then revealed to be a hoax.

June 1991 Perth WA ? (31:57, 115:51)

Double rings were first found in June 1991, then photographed in March 1992. The rings, near the Blackwood River, Augusts, appear to have changed little in one year and vegetation appears sparse in the area. The circles are about 15m across.
(Brian Richards/UFORUM.)

Dec 1991 Hopetoun VIC FSA (35:44, 1452:22)

In a wheat crop, a farmer came across 6 flattened swirled circles, varying from 2-3.5m in diameter. later in an adjacent paddock he found an oval 6.5m across. Anti-clockwise swirl.
(Melbourne The Age 31/12/91.)

Apr 1992 Near Agnes Banks NSW FSA (?)

A flattened, slightly "starburst" "circle" in grass was found, nearly 4m across, shaped like a light bulb in section. There were other less distinct effects in the long grass nearby. Although there was evidence of separate toadstools fruiting in a "fairy ring", the site in question was quite different. It is felt that it may have been the result of wind vortices or a similar phenomenon.
(Personal investigation Bill Chalker.)

1992/93 Adelaide SA BS (34:56, 134:36)

An 8m diameter marking was found on the back lawn of a house. It had a 30cm wide rim, and grass inside and outside was green. Inside the ring grass was dead. After a month, the ring simply went. Almost certainly a fungus ring.
(UFORSA 1997.)

Dec 1994 Northfield, Adelaide, SA FSA (34:56, 134:36)

A 15.3m diameter, swirled, flattened circle with run-offs at each end was found in a wheat paddock in suburban Adelaide. The stalks had been flattened in an anti-clockwise direction in the main circle. Information to hand suggests it was a hoax.
(1.  M & K Maros.
 2.  K Basterfield personal investigation.
 3.  Adelaide   Advertiser 15/12/94, 17/12/94, 22/12/94.)

7 March 1995 Bonny Glen Station Qld ?

Three staff noted a bright light source approaching the station. Another man came out and saw a huge bank of lights 60-100m away. As he watched the light seemingly some 3m off the ground, just disappeared. The witnesses drove around looking for whatever it was and on the station airfield paddock they found that grass in one area had been flattened in several directions. When they drove through this are they noted that where the vehicle left tracks, that there were blotches of a green, phosphorescent material on grass tips and stems. A CSIRO representative concluded that the substance was a naturally occurring growth.

Mar 1996 Kiama Downs NSW ?

An unusual "circle" appeared overnight in a grass meadow.
(INUFOR Digest Vol 2 No 1.)

Nov 1996 Kempton and Northern Towns Tas SL

TUFOIC received, over a fortnight, calls regarding the discovery of "UFO slime" in gardens and a roadside cafe. The substance was clear and jelly-like, although the two Kempton deposits disappeared unless kept moist. The slime was found on gardens, on concrete and on lawns. In no instance has a UFO been reported in connection with the slime. Samples were obtained and analysis revealed one sample was mollusc eggs, while another was a substance from potting mix.

8 Dec 1996 Moorina Qld Nests

Several unusual traces were detected in a crop of 150cm tall Sorghum. It is believed they appeared on the 8th. The traces consisted of a spiral, "woven" pattern. They ranged in size and shape from a 15m oval, to a 6m (shape not given.) Plants were broken, bent over.
(UFORQLD UFO Encounter Vol 173 Oct-Dec 96 p3.)

1996/1997 Mt Nathan Qld FA

A woman reported a number of events on a 20 acre property:
Observed her husband levitating out through a window
Observed circles of light in a paddock
Found a flattened area of grass
Saw a shadowy figure in the distance
Woke at 3am to see a shadowy figure moving across the shed roof
Found the dam half empty of water
Saw her husband talking to a very tall person in a grey body suit who turned and disappeared
Woke to find someone in her room.
(Glennys Mackay)

Feb 1997 Cessnock NSW 0130hrs WV

A woman reported sighting a large, golden coloured light which seemed to come to ground near her property. On hitting the surface the ball shattered into three pieces. Next day she viewed the area through binoculars and found damaged trees in the direction of the impact. She took her dogs and visited the location. Here she found a six metre diameter unusual cloud of mist and an unusual odour. At the apparent impact site, tops of trees were found to be 'dead." INUFOR investigators visited the area and confirmed damaged vegetation.
(INUFOR Newsletter Vol 2 No 3 Apr 1997 pp10-11.)

Mid Feb 1997 Werribee Vic ?

A "crop circle" was discovered.
(Simon Johnson.)

27 Feb 1997 Burnie Tas 2245hrs "slime"

Witness says that a deposit appeared on their front lawn between 6pm and 10.45pm. Seeing off friends when they noticed a clear, jelly-like substance on the lawn, with yellow flecks through it. It was about a metre across and half to one cm thick. Called Local Council Health Inspector, who looked but did nothing. Unable to burn it. It seemed to gradually deteriorate into thin plastic type cover on lawn.

2 Mar 1999 Thornlands Qld 2100hrs ?

A man inside his home became aware of a flash of light lasting about 4-5 seconds outside, reflecting in a mirror. On the next day he noticed a straight line marking about 25mm wide and 10m long on fresh turf along the side of his house. He had fertilised the day before and the mark was not there.
(UFORQ website:

Oct/Nov 2000 Jimboomba Qld 0230hrs BS

A man reported having an encounter with an alien. Two days later he found an elliptical ring of burnt grass on his property. Two days prior to this his son had heard someone walking on the gravel outside the house. The burn mark had a major axis of 3m and a minor axis of 2.1m and was about 15cm wide.
(UFORQ website:

Nov 2001 Tandarra Vic FSA

Mr Donald White was moving sheep when he discovered a number of circular marks in his wheat crop. James Kennedy of AUFORN visited the site and found that "The actual wheat was 'combed' in an anti-clockwise direction." The stems of the wheat had not snapped. "In the middle of the majority of circles there was differentiating amounts of untouched wheat growth." There were one group of three circles basically adjoined and another circle was very close to a fence line, and completely flattened. All the circles were at least 2m in diameter.
(Kennedy, J. 2001. "Tandarra Crop Circles. The Australasian UFOlogist. Vol 5 No 5 pp8-10.)

7 Dec 2001 Yambuk Vic FA

Mr Gleeson, a farmer, found an unusual mark in a paddock. He knew it wasn't there on 20 November 2001. There is no known UFO association. The mark was a horseshoe shape-almost perfectly symetrical. It was 18.6m from neck to tail. The outer "wings" were 15.7m. From end of left wing to start of right wing, was diagonally 17.3m and the widest part was 8.3m The previously healthy grass in the area had died but weeds had survived.
(Kennedy, J. 2001. "Yambuk" Alleged UFO landing site." The Australasian UFOlogist Vol 5 No 6 pp26-29.)

17 Apr 2002 Bundaberg Qld FSA

A man found three circles on the ground on a property he bought in Bundaberg. They were perfectly round and beside each other and in grass. The circles eventually grew out. On the same property he also found a 1m diameter circle on the bottom of a creek. The water was perfectly clear and 0.6m deep.
(UFORQLD website:

28 Mar 2004 Conondale near Maleny Sunshine Coast Qld

Two boys. Eli Colbran and Tom Braby, found a pattern in pasture grasses, metres from a road. There were four circular flattened areas over a 24m distance. One was 3.8m in circumference, another 7.9m, a third 1.5m and the fourth 0.85m. They were on a north-south axis, with each circle being slightly off centre from the next. Clockwise swirls. Unbroken circles of grass. In the centre of each the grass had a cone shape with a very small raise mound of earth.
(1. Australasian UFOlogist Vol 8 No 1 p 32.
 2. Australasian UFOlogist Vol 8 No 2 pp23-26.)